
*denotes equal authorship

Academic COVID Recovery

*Goldhaber, D., Kane, T. J., McEachin, A., Morton, E., Patterson, T., & Staiger, D. O. (2023). The educational consequences of remote and hybrid instruction during the pandemic. American Economic Review: Insights, 5(3), 377-392. [link]

Four-Day School Weeks

Morton, E., Thompson, P. N., & Kuhfeld, M. (2024). A multi-state, student-level analysis of the effects of the four-day school week on student achievement and growth. Economics of Education Review, 100. [link]

Morton, E. (2023). Effects of 4-day school weeks on older adolescents: Examining impacts of the schedule on academic achievement, attendance, and behavior in high school. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 45(1), 52-78. [link]

Morton, E. (2021). Effects of four-day school weeks on school finance and achievement: Evidence from Oklahoma. Educational Researcher, 50(1), 30-40. [link]

Kilburn, M.R., Phillips, A., Gomez, C. J., Mariano, L. T., Doss, C. J., Troxel, W. M., Morton, E., & Estes, K. (2021). Does Four Equal Five? Implementation and Outcomes of the Four-Day School Week. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, RR-A373-1. [link]

Youth and Human Development

Colby, A., Malin, H., & Morton, E. (2022). What college students are after and why. Journal of College and Character, 23(3), 189-209. [link]

Colby, A., Bundick, M., Remington, K., & Morton, E., (2020). Moral flourishing in later life through purpose beyond the self In L. A. Jensen (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Moral Development: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Oxford University Press. [link]

Bundick, M., Remington, K., Morton, E., & Colby, A. (2019). The contours of purpose beyond the self in midlife and later life. Applied Developmental Science, 25(1), 62-82. [link]

Malin, H., Morton, E., Smith, K., Nadal, A. (2019). Purpose and coping with adversity: A repeated measures, mixed-methods study with young adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 76, 1-11. [link]

Morton, E., Colby, A., Bundick, M., & Remington, K. (2018). Hiding in plain sight: Older U.S. purpose exemplars. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 14(5), 614-624. [link]

Other Policy and Education Research

Higuera, K., Jensen, G., and Morton, E. (2021). Effects of the Male Community Reentry Program (MCRP) on Recidivism in the State of California. Stanford Digital Repository. [link]

Gilmartin, S. K., Thompson, M., Morton, E., Jin, Q., & Sheppard, S. (2019). Entrepreneurial intent of engineering and business undergraduate students. Journal of Engineering Education, 108(3), 316-336. [link]